This is very exciting & thank you (Thursday, September 21, 2006)
Two days ago I had my 3000th view recorded. That means that my writings have been looked at 3000 times. Yes, I know it's not complicated, but I wrote it twice because I had to think it twice to realize that that is significant.
As a part of my personality I like to share myself with others. I know that plays a major factor in my artistry. As an artist, I in essence, feel I have a perspective that I need to share. Often this is because I feel it's unique, I'm passionate about it and it interests me(and as an only child I naturally have a egocentric perspective which leads me to believe that everyone is interested in what I have to say particularly if I find it interesting.)_That's the beauty of an artist, that's what society relies on artists for, to speak, to proclaim, to help us all understand what we're feeling as humans in this human experience. Furthermore, I would argue that the more masterful the artist, the more precise he'll express his intent, the more unique his expression will be and the more engaging and relevant his art will be with his times and his people.
So 3000 is significant to me because as a writer, I have engaged people a large number of times with my expressions on life and humanity. I have shared and received feedback, interaction and engagement and this fulfills and satisfies me tremendously.
Whether my expressions are precise or masterful is up for debate.
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